A large number of people nowadays are becoming interested in playing handpans, even those who have never played any instrument before. The phenomenal thing about it is that it’s really easy to learn to play it, regardless of your previous knowledge and level of experience. However, when you are a beginner there is so much information to soak in.
For starters, it can be quite difficult to choose the handpan that will be the right one for you. We agree that there are so many options out there and, sure, that can be confusing. However, with the right information, things become much simpler.
That’s why we decided to share with you some basic tips for choosing a handpan if you are a beginner. Let’s start!
Why is Handpan so Popular?

Nowadays, the handpan is becoming a very popular instrument, for several reasons. First of all, practically anyone can learn to play it. This is a relatively new instrument, so there are no strict rules on how to play it properly. You just need to relax and be what you are. That way you will create the best music.
Also, it is important to note that it is not the same as the tongue drum. Tongue drums are predominantly intended for slow, relaxing, meditative playing. On the other hand, handpans are made of different materials and offer the option of various styles – from slow meditative to fast playing indoors.
How to choose the right handpan for a beginner?
1. Pay attention to how it is build
We suggest that when buying this instrument, you first pay attention to how the handpan is built. It is important that it is stable enough to ensure you can play without fear of damaging it.
A good handpan should withstand a reasonable playing power, regardless of whether it is adapted to beginners or professionals. You want to choose a handpan that is built well, and also one that is properly tuned. All other features will simply be overshadowed if the basic features are not satisfactory. The model you choose should be made with an octave and complex fifth harmonics tuned to each note.
The standard handpan hertz frequencies are 440hz and 432hz. 432hz sounds softer and many healers find it offers phenomenal health benefits. However, handpans with this frequency cannot be played with other instruments.
The important thing to know is that the Hertz frequency cannot be changed after making it. Therefore, production time and price are relatively high. Choose the handpan of desired basic features to make sure you get the benefits you want.
2. Find the right size and the right material

The next important criteria are size and material. The usual size of the handpan is 22 inches in D minor, while the mini options are 18 inches. Usually, bigger instruments also produce better sound, but the main question here is what your needs are. For beginners, mini versions can be enough, and they are often more aesthetically pleasing.
Another interesting thing about it is that they come in many different materials, or rather – different types of steel. Each of them has its own special features and offers different benefits. The three main types are nitrided steel, stainless steel and raw steel. We suggest that you inquire in more detail about the different types of steel and find out which material will give you the desired benefits while playing your new handpan.
3. Make sure you get the desired quality for your money

Before buying, you will have to decide on your budget. Choose the price range that makes sense for you, and then try to find a handpan that fits the desired price. In doing so, we suggest that you do your best to find the best possible quality for your money. Just because you’re a beginner doesn’t mean your handpan doesn’t sound good. Also, don’t think that a cheap instrument necessarily has to be of low quality.
It is a good idea to first inquire about your options and consider what quality will live up to your expectations without exceeding your budget.
Also, even if you are willing to invest more money, we suggest you consider whether you really need a particular instrument as a beginner. It just doesn’t make sense to set aside a lot of money for an instrument you’ll play once in a while. Get informed and don’t give up before you find a quality handpan drum that fits your desired price range.
4. If you don’t have the right information, consult with experts

We want to emphasize that if you simply do not have enough information and all this seems too confusing, it is a good idea to consult a professional. Experts in this field are already well acquainted with the instruments and at first glance they can tell you whether a handpan is of good quality and whether it will give you the desired value for your money. They will also be able to give you some additional advice on which model would be best for your current needs. Don’t be shy to ask for help, because only one useful tip can save you from a bad purchase!
Handpan is becoming an increasingly popular instrument these days because it is very easy to learn to play, and it also provides a relaxing sound that will tune your energy. It is not the same as a tongue drum.
It comes in several different types of steel, and each of them provides different benefits. If you are a beginner and choosing your first handpan we suggest that you primarily pay attention to how the the instrument is built, choose the desired size and material and ensure you get the desired quality for your money. If all this is very confusing and you feel like you don’t have the right information, we suggest that you consult an expert who will help you find the perfect handpan for your beginner’s needs.